Monday, 9 March 2015

Dust and mud

Dust and mud, that's what it's like here on fenland, one or the other! It was just drying out nicely but I think it's still not dust time yet.
Spring looks like it's trying to start though, and I do believe one of my mixed salad leaves has actually germinated, yay! The tiny daffy down dillys are shining yellow, and the rhubarb is slowly unfurling it's stem ready for pie! Time for the seed packets and labels!
No more celeriac orders, wholesaler is now after salads, well the sun is shining after all, so, as you can see from the photo, we'll be ploughing in about a third of them, the plants we backbreakingly planted, that I monotonously hoed all last summer....waste.
Same with the Jerusalem artichokes,  but at least they don't take as much looking after, and the plants don't cost me over £200!
No one eats seasonally any more, not truly seasonally. Everyone wants a lettuce and tomato in winter. I can remember as a child the joy of June strawberries,  tiny new potatoes or the first carrots. Now its all available all year round, and it doesn't matter that it's flavourless pap,  because it's cheap.
Ho hum.
So today I earnt nothing, not a penny, but still spent four hours with my packets of seeds and bags of compost, merrily planting away.
See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. What a shame about the waste it must be heartbreaking, we sell on a small scale on a group market stall and that way not required to fill a stall and only sell surplus but then we aren't trying to make a living good luck with the seeds
